Migrating GIT repositories from local to hosted Gitlab


2 min read

To migrate GIT repos from your local git server to hosted GitLab and to ensure all the previous commit history and metadata are retained follow the below steps outlined

Create a mirror of the GIT Repo

git clone --mirror git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app

Review the git remotes for the repo

git remote -v
origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (fetch)
origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (push)

Package the GIT repo using Tar

To move it from your hosted server to a machine where you've access to push your git repo into the new Hosted Git Server

tar -cpzf test-app_git.tar ./test-app.git/
tar -xzf /tmp/test-app_git.tar

Verify the Remotes

git remote -v
origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (fetch)
origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (push)

Review your git config or set it appropriate to your new Hosted Git Server

git config --list

Rename your GIT origin Remote

git remote rename origin old-origin
warning: Not updating non-default fetch refspec
    Please update the configuration manually if necessary.

git remote -v
old-origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (fetch)
old-origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (push)

Create new origin pointing to the new Hosted Git Server

git remote add origin git@hub.oci.hostedgitlab.com:app-dev/test-app.git

git remote -v
old-origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (fetch)
old-origin    git@git01.int.co.lan:test-app (push)
origin    git@hub.oci.hostedgitlab.com:app-dev/test-app.git (fetch)
origin    git@hub.oci.hostedgitlab.com:app-dev/test-app.git (push)

Push all your changes to the new Git Server.

This command will create a new Git repo by the name test-app on the new Git Server and all the previous commits and history will be pushed as well.

Note: You need to have admin privileges to perform the below operation

git push -u origin --all